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Starward commented on: Winter Meditation by patriciajj 2 years 36 weeks ago
That Patriciajj is a great: That Patriciajj is a great Poet is beyond doubt and debate.  But who is she like?  Into what poeitc constellaton does she best fit?  Is she like Eliot?  Stevens?  Vergil?  Basho?  One ponders.   They tell me that when Petrarch invented the sonnet---with two stanzas---the second stanza was supposed to "swerve" from the first by modifying its content.  They tell me that classic Haikus also featue a kind of "swerve" in the third and last line.  These are, of course, structured poems; but Patricia's poem also demonstrates a swerve although its form is free verse (a form that can, paradoxicsally, demand far more verbal skill than sonnets or Haiku).  This poem's swerve is in the single line, "alive," and that line is also the exact center of the poem's center of gravity which are the stanzas preceding and following "alive."   In the final two stanzas, she also gives us the process of Poetry.  Poetry permeates the spirit and the creation, and becomes both of them---the way water permeates both the sky and the earth, becoming clouds and living things; or becoming great flows of water that, given enough time, can convert a small shallow channel into the Grand Canyon.  And, when I sip that tall glass (paper cups don't do it for me) of distilled or sparkling water, with a thick twist of lemon, that water will enter my cells; in that way, it becomes me.  This is what Poetry does with the spirit and the creation.    When the poem begins, we are in the midst of the drama that, the Poet admits, she curses.  (Here I am reminded of Stevens' poem, "Chaos In Motion . . ."; but when we enter the poem's gravitational center and emerge on its other side, we are now prepared to see the melting into spirit and creation.  Because, to use another metaphor, we can be like ice, which can feature some very sharp, hurtful edges:  sharp enough to injure a finger, say, or slice the Titanic right along the horizontal axis.  The finger bleeds and the great ship---three years and two days in the building---sinks like a common stone in a couple of hours.  But when the ice has melted, it can permeate---and be permeated by---spirit and creation.     This is the process and purpose of Poetry that Patriciajj depicts and demonstrates for her readers.  And she uses ordinary items---moss, espresso---to depict that process; which, to me, is the key to identifying which Poetic style hers most resembles and aligns with.      I think, when you come right down to it, Patricia's poetic alignment, the constellation her poetc stars belong do, is that of the great Poet of the New Testament, the Apostle Saint John---whose Gospel, first letter, and Apocalypse are demonstrations of deeply poetic nature that God inspired, as David's poetic nature was similarly inspired in the Old Testament.  They tell me that the Celtic poets of antiquity were inspired by John (as the Poets of continental Europe were inspired by Matthew); and of that historic nature and inspiration, Patriciajj partakes.      And partakes with stellar success. 
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Pungus commented on: Winter Meditation by patriciajj 2 years 36 weeks ago
Winter War Cry: The phrases you use to describe Life in igloos are perfectly on point You are a creative genius When it comes to word perfomances This poem turned me into A sculpture of ice crystals and also Lit a warm flame deep within
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patriciajj commented on: Footnote: On Revelation 5:13; A Poem For Saiom by J-C4113D 2 years 36 weeks ago
Thank you for another: Thank you for another pick-me-up. You make a difference! 
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Starward commented on: Footnote: For The End Of Things by J-C4113D 2 years 36 weeks ago
Thank you very much.  I: Thank you very much.  I really appreciate your kind compliments.
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Starward commented on: Footnote: On Revelation 5:13; A Poem For Saiom by J-C4113D 2 years 36 weeks ago
Thank you.  This poem allows: Thank you.  This poem allows me to interact, in my own way, with two Great Poets:  the Apostle Saint John, the Great, the Superlative, Poet of the New Testament; and yourself.
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Starward commented on: Footnote: Consider Rayleigh's Scattering by J-C4113D 2 years 36 weeks ago
As always, thank you---for: As always, thank you---for the kind of comment that encourages me to continue on.  I am sorry for my delay in acknowledging this, and two other comments, until today.  But, thank you for this, and for the other two as well, and thank you for being the kind of Poet that you are.
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Starward commented on: The Language of Wonder by patriciajj 2 years 36 weeks ago
And I thank you both for the: And I thank you both for the very kind mentions you have given me in your comments.
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allets commented on: Exam by allets 2 years 36 weeks ago
The style is different back here: It was fun to write - not an attempt to please or meet a standard, not a task, a release. Patchwork borderline surrealism - glad you enjoy such as this small offering. Thanks for the visit :D   02-03-22 Still a good one when re-read ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Inculcating under Your breath by Coffeepot 2 years 36 weeks ago
Go get that year of poetry.: Go get that year of poetry. He would be pleased. Nice seasonal write - "a blossom- mous May." . With a foot of snow predicted, this was a heart and tie warmer 02-02-22 ;D . Lady A .
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georgeschaefer commented on: THE CONDEMNED MAN by georgeschaefer 2 years 36 weeks ago
thank you for your kind: thank you for your kind words.
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georgeschaefer commented on: THE CONDEMNED MAN by georgeschaefer 2 years 36 weeks ago
but what did I do in my last: but what did I do in my last life to come back as this in this life?
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georgeschaefer commented on: MISUNDERSTOOD MEME by georgeschaefer 2 years 36 weeks ago
thank you for reading and: thank you for reading and commenting
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saiom commented on: This Flower For the Blind by owlcrkbrg 2 years 36 weeks ago
re Roses for the Blind: magnificent
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allets commented on: DESERT WIND UP by georgeschaefer 2 years 36 weeks ago
Excellent: Loved the ending Lady A  
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patriciajj commented on: What Do We Do by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 36 weeks ago
I completely connected with: I completely connected with your feelings of exasperation as greed and hate run rampant in our soul-crushing economic system. As you so eloquently expressed, it does make us beg for the sun to "stay below the horizon" so sleeping (or rather, recharging) humans "can't hurt us". I can't think of a better place to breathe and reboot than offline, in a forest.    Relatable and well expressed. 
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