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saiom commented on: Avian Flu by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
response: sad we have a huge flock of crows which comes every dusk and settles in the old trees
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saiom commented on: CLANG! NYAAH! NYAAH!! BONK! by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   bodies like old clothes wear out.. the soul slips away to acquire a new body or if egoless and desireless to merge in the One, imho
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saiom commented on: The Power of Suggestion by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   it would seem that God is more concerned with our spirits than our bodies... so many question why God gives power to humans to destroy other people, animals, plants and the planet who has an answer
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saiom commented on: Bob Withabey's Interactive Outhouse Preserve by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
hilarious: this is hilarious   a word not connected to hillary c   all those openmouthed hungry outhouses! some of them are 2 seaters
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saiom commented on: Oh my life is a riddle by humanfruit 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   if you want to be omniscient and omnipotent we are all defeated in the game... i know that you are way ahead of most in the game... you have a many life time developed consciousness which includes feeling trees and the discipline to do hard work in protecting one
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saiom commented on: Here you are... by ThatCaptainguy 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction: i'm glad you found that rare combination
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patriciajj commented on: Hasten Legalization by saiom 2 years 34 weeks ago
Agree wholeheartedly! There: Agree wholeheartedly! There is one thing that the US is #1 in and that's our number of incarcerated. Even dictatorships and repressive theocracies that we look down upon cannot claim this shameful status, and much of our "success" in locking up so many nonviolent people is our draconian "war on drugs".   All hell didn't break loose when my state finally decriminalized pot. You've presented some very persuasive arguments and your facts are verifiable. Great commentary. 
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saiom commented on: The Gash by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
chilling:   chilling story     owl pellets   frank's pallets  The Snake River canyon too might be chilling  
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saiom commented on: Sara's Jellyfish by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
jellyfish:   I was standing in rockport massachusetts on a hill which overlooked an inlet in the sea .. below were 14 or 15 jellyfish huddled together.. and i was glad i was not among them
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saiom commented on: The Penis Gourd and Future Leader of the Free World by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
vine:   a vine planter changes the world
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saiom commented on: Story idea by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
re story idea:   does he call the stadium guards or metropolitan police or go there himself  
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saiom commented on: Lost and Lonely by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
re the fly:   you are more conscious of little vulnerable beings than most others are, it seems to me
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saiom commented on: Road Dream by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   it must be hard to live in a state with so many open spaces and not have wheels   hope your body is being more cooperative about healing
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saiom commented on: Be My Valentine by owlcrkbrg 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   we women don't seem to have the physical courage men have and we are more needy    on the other hand 97% of the trophy hunters in africa are men    
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saiom commented on: watch the world burn by CaptainShambles 2 years 34 weeks ago
reaction:   a different story of creation.... may God save the world now despite human beings
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