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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Nothing Lasts, Ask A Pharoah by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
It's funny to find these words of yours, today: I was just contemplating this very thing at length, yesterday.   Really good write. "Here was a moment ago, Now as gone" - fantastic. Perhaps my favorite lines in a dense, deep dive.   Ask the pharoah, indeed. Though, if I could, I would enter a tomb and switch the pharoah's place with one of the servants buried to "serve and worship him forever". Just cause :D   Between your write, and a reading of Saiom's, a verse from the song Be Satisfied by Heather Maloney comes to mind:   And so the pharaoh went out on a mission to erase his father's name, his father's face. One thousand men, one thousand chisels. One hundred days, one hundred nights, and one man's pride. He took em' all for a ride, but he wasn't satisfied.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Vicious Circle by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
Feedback often tells us as: Feedback often tells us as much about the reader, as anything. I find it helpful to think about that. If someone attacks a view point I have, it might be a worthwhile criticism, but what are they saying, exactly? If it's merely an attempt at insult, then it gives me an opportunity to learn no less than a couple of things:   (1) what this person's perception is   (2) understand that they probably don't have a very well thought out position, and therefore the exposure my have helped chip away a little bit at the veneer of their beliefs   (3) whether I might possibly be able to express myself in a way that disarms them a bit more, making them potentially more open to hearing the message.   But when you chip away at something, there will be anger. Erosion is a violent action, of sorts. Chip at a stone, and you might get a fleck thrown back at your eye. Perhaps why this person used the word 'vold'. But such "violence" - figurative - is as necessary as literal eroson is to a statue of one of history's monsters. We aim to be more gentle with people because we're not dealing with a monster of the done past, but rather with an ever evolving being of the present, just as we would be "gently violent" with an evolving, beautiful statue we are assisting in making.   Ultimately, their feedback is probably telling you a lot about them, and may be telling you little about yourself. Starting from a position of listening to the feedback as a voice from their pond, rather than necessarily a reflection of oneself off of said pond does make receiving harsh words a bit more palatable : )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: My Body Wants to Leave by owlcrkbrg 2 years 23 weeks ago
Intense, tragic, and wrapped tightly in a white flag: Capturing from the title and opening line, onward.   The way out begins with stepping out into the day, every day. Exposing oneself (figuratively, of course). People will start to notice, but what needs to be noticed may already be transforming by then.
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elliot_jordan2003 commented on: On the Trail Between Orchids and the Otherworld by patriciajj 2 years 23 weeks ago
Wow this is really good,: Wow this is really good, please never stop writing.
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patriciajj commented on: Vicious Circle by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
What a silly, convoluted: What a silly, convoluted attack. I like your interpretation. Anyway, view the attacks as a badge of honor. Kudos to you for shaking things up! 
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patriciajj commented on: Nothing Lasts, Ask A Pharoah by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
I came for the title and: I came for the title and stayed for the mind-expanding contemplation. You drilled deep, and beautifully. Although some might hide from this reality, I find it comforting and profoundly humbling. Love it when you wax eloquent . . . and sublime! 
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allets commented on: parallels and intersections by lizardking 2 years 23 weeks ago
You're Talking About Poets: Aren't you?  I breathe my own pollution, true, I leap lives usually from burning bridges. So? Ma parallels and intersections are personal and not for public consumption, except in poetical exudations. Fist to  the sky! Black pride! I feel exposed. Cut it out!   :D . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Water As Wet by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
More Needed: This poem needs more verses. Wet is big! ~A~. 
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allets commented on: I Hear The Tears Of Flowers by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Dan Was A Rock: And a hero to me. Thanks for the read (and short comment.) - (;D). ~A~
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allets commented on: Khadafy by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 23 weeks ago
Defund The Pentagon: Bring the missiles home. 2 far left radical possibilities. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Gray Zone by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Dark Period: Reading Poe & Lovecraft lately. Go figure. |~A~
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Starward commented on: Jesus On Spreading The Word by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
But what about Matthew 28:19: But what about Matthew 28:19 (I use the NKJV in the Orthodox Study Bible), in which He did use the word "nations" ?
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allets commented on: Haikuesque by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Dandelion Auras: . Dandelion auras hug their shadows in the backyard at sunset. . ~A~   YOU ARE TOO KIND - :S
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allets commented on: Haikuesque by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
So Few Great Moments: Your kindness is noted and heartfeltforever...haiku is intimate and a strong methodology for inner exploration and kinship with nature...which is kinship with all of the living, including us. You made me feel well ~~A~~   golden leaves tumblemigratingthe robin's eye waits
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allets commented on: I Did It Perfectly by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
The Atmosphere: Is full of Rhetoric to condition us to believe Better is down the road. We make happiness and calm - and peace. I do as I can - but time for 30 somethings to direct family gatherings. They gave extra energy that bounces off walls indoors and off clouds outdoors. I play bid whist and they dance. All is better than fine, slower and paced ti my speed. . ~A~.  .  
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