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patriciajj commented on: Climate Refugee by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
"Go fins!" Your sense of: "Go fins!" Your sense of humor in the face of all this surreal collapse and backsliding is refreshing. I hope the displaced victims of climate injustice (People who contributed the least are suffering the most.) can find safe haven here. Screw the xenophobes! I applaud your concern and compassion. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Gun Recall by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
p/s Yemeni own a lot of guns,: p/s Yemeni own a lot of guns, too. Like the US, they have a lot of mass shootings. Not surprisingly, they are a country that has been war torn for a long time, and to this day continues to be facing the threat of genocide from Saudi Arabia, thanks in part to weapons we have given the Saudi's. So they're sort of the opposite side of the coin, but it will produce similar results - if your people are constantly exposed to violence and lacking outcomes, when life becomes "cheap", violence explodes.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Gun Recall by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
We're dealing with an onion: Canadians and Swedes own a lot of guns, too. Canadians apparently are closest to the USA in gun ownership. Far less violence, though. But their countries aren't constantly invading other countries and promoting war. Their children aren't as likely to be the children of soldiers used to be invaders. Their children don't watch as violent of t/v and movies as ours, nor listen to as violent a music. Their culture(s) -at least until recently - hasn't been encouraging the dehumanzition of the 'other half' in the way ours has. We have layers and layers and layers of rot in our society that is encouraging violence, and without solving these root problems, people will just find some other way to destroy each other. And I haven't even really touched on how the class war's economic impact has created a perfect environment for violence.
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allets commented on: Afraid to love again! by zoeycup16 2 years 19 weeks ago
Best Wished: Most optimistic poem I've read this year. yes! Go for love!
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allets commented on: A List Of Rants by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
The Cataclysmic Reset: We could lose a billion lives of the nearly 8 billion world citizens count. No bread or water will ignite the foul winds hard march of immigrants north. Maybe we can give the dessicated California back to Mexico cheap or for free if they take all the food refugees from south of the equator. 100 million refugee drug dealers and gun toters (army grade) on usa border, solved. Desperados Leading The People. We could open a highway direct to Canada for them. With no dollar value, life will be bullet flyin' stand-offish. I hope not. Eniugh dying. . EU will extend its open hand and usa will give them an old fashioned high five - slap on the up turned palm. The word "brokewoke" will be in all the new rap lyrics. Africa. Ah, Africa! .    
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allets commented on: Climate Refugee by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Migration: Islands are losing shoreline, polar caps shrink- new name for michigan sports team: The Ann Arbor Seals. Go Fins! May the people affected find havens to resettle and survive. We have soooooo much land here. . Boomers are fading - 2040 no replacements to keep us this big. Turning usa women into baby manufacturies is soooo 1940's. Immigration of Islanders will be a shock to pro nationalist culture preservers. That or starving, burning, flooded out every nation, come on over to good ole usa. That would be fun! And humane. . ~A~. 
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crypticbard commented on: Negative Spaced Dreams by THWYALG 2 years 19 weeks ago
Funny how dreams are. But: Funny how dreams are. But there seem to be other things besides dreams that these stanzas could point to. Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
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crypticbard commented on: Human by kiwi_jiwi 2 years 19 weeks ago
After all those options, it: After all those options, it felt as if there was a resigned acceptance even if the possibilities were whittled down to nothing. This is a brave expression, pragmatic, even. Thank you for sharing.
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allets commented on: Aftermath by kiwi_jiwi 2 years 19 weeks ago
Drugs: Note war on drugs failed, marijuana puts citizens asleep - for profit. Will not see what is done in their names-wars, tax uses, no services, bad water, food with fewer nutrients. Druggies see nothing. They dream content and think all is well for a while. ~A~
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allets commented on: LOVE HURTS by teresa_r 2 years 19 weeks ago
I'd Have A Bunch: Of old broken hearts to stumble over and the tattered working heart would be way worn out. Heal - rejeuvenate. Jump start it with batteries if need, but get over heartache. If not possble--crack the ribs and do heart massage. I think of kids killed by automatic gun in Texas. Like the many war children murdered...parents hearts in Texas forever shattered. . Be well. ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Need to vent this is the safest way I can by teresa_r 2 years 19 weeks ago
See The Good: It makes you feel great! Trust the trustworthy which takes time. I love anyway, in a year or two they will not remember the disrespect or slight. Annually, I do a blanket forgiveness and feel great! I rarely expect or get thanks for gifts, I give anyway. ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Words Like Smoke and Sand by patriciajj 2 years 19 weeks ago
"...smoky hymns of evening": That could be the title of a surrealist epic poem. "...a rough outline of some profound truth" in the ruins of what ince was ~ infused inspiration. What is unbuilt, destroyed are raw materials from which a small green sprout arises.  . "...a sound like...pouring sand." I adore a great passage of time image. Poet idea based, independent of symbolism, rocks. The last 5 lines are a wizard's workings. Well said. . ~A~. 
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Starward commented on: From A PM by J-C4113D 2 years 19 weeks ago
Thank you, sir.  My college,: Thank you, sir.  My college, in the seventies, was a very repressive and socially backward place.  The student population was small, no more than 2500, and all of us were still, basically, adolescents.  However, we were very awkward about expressing any kind of romantic interest or sexual desire.  Somehow, this elaborate system developed to allow us to articulate some of it.
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crypticbard commented on: From A PM by J-C4113D 2 years 19 weeks ago
A very interesting: A very interesting psychosocial exposition, interesting because in certain cultures and societies, feet and bare feet for that matter can be offensive or taboo, while in others it is just a part of everyday life like breathing or bathing. And within certain cultures there are subcultural mores about feet as well. I draw this mostly from personal experience, having traveled much growing up and living within multicultural settings as a result of that 'dislocation' (however one may choose to see that). As for the eroticising or sexualising, I have less of a grasp, perhaps 'fetish' would be the apt terminology there. There is an ongoing notion, I perceive, that fetishes are developed in pubescence but the process or method of that taking place is beyond me. Perhaps someone with more study under their belt on this matter could shed more light to our readers.
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crypticbard commented on: Soundless Solace by THWYALG 2 years 19 weeks ago
These rarities are sought: These rarities are sought after, a life in that stillness. There is indeed much activity in the quiet state however the loud ones may protest, loudly. Thanks for sharing.
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