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allets commented on: My Own Insanity by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Yeah: A favorite visitor! . ~Stella~
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crypticbard commented on: Fire by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
That is both sad and: That is both sad and potentially horrific on many angles; too many for the powers that be to not address or even look sideways at.
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crypticbard commented on: At Vyacheslav Molotov's Office, The Kremlin, July 31, 1921 by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
That is a story behind the: That is a story behind the story. Thanks so much for sharing. 
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Teytonon commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thank you : I always enjoy reading you.
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allets commented on: One Possible Ending (Story) by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
No Comment: One view. ~A~. 
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allets commented on: A word from our sponsor by Teytonon 2 years 18 weeks ago
Remains Of The Day: Like that lost idea mage.  ~S~
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allets commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Good Point: Love me some peaches and pears! Thanks for the read and very nice comment. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
True: 1 of them was length. :) ~A~ 
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allets commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Good One: Cut off the prob. Very good asvice. Like editing :D ~A~
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Starward commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Welters Of Claire Clairmont's Long Seething Distress by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
OMG, this is overwhelming: OMG, this is overwhelming kind and understanding.  I had a very difficult time writing the poem---trying to keep Claire's big mouth within the iambic pentameter, and trying to imagine, from the emotional not the historical view, her enormous hatred toward Mary.  And, your phrase"nymph like" almost brought tears to my eyes, because she was very small in stature, and with an ethereal beauty that attracted a lot of suitors both before and after Percy's death.  Much to Claire's chagrin, Byron propositioned Mary several times (bad behavior, typical of him, but, as a titled "Lord," with access to the King, he is believed to have notified William IV of the very minimum child support that Sir Timothy provided his grandson).    Literary firestorm?  What a compliment you have given to Mary, within your wonderful comment that has just knocked me over.  When I was an undergrad, and being pressured to drop her from my sophomore project, I was told that she had no real literary talent.  Yet, when I asked why her publishers---who were in the business to make money---kept publishing her novels; and why she was being read by people as highly placed as William IV himself; those supposedly profound and well-read scholars could not give me an answer more than a shrug of the shoulders.       I think I could write a whole novel about this comment and still not even scratch the surface of my appreciation.  I have loved the cinematic effects of her work since 1963, and her words and the personality they convey, since 1967.  (BTW, my copy of that edition I first read in 67 has arrived, whoo-hoo!).    I am so grateful for your compliment on the line "the monsters that her books became to me," and I simply tried to turn my appreciation of her accomplishment to a dis-appreciation (is that even a word?), allowing Claire to express the opposite of what I feel.  Claire would have fit in well with my professors at college.  And I have seen their prejudice dramatically overturned. And if someone in the History department ever speaks of my defiance of the academic structure, I will be quite happy to say, "Because she's still my girl."    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Welters Of Claire Clairmont's Long Seething Distress by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
To receive a dedication is a: To receive a dedication is a great honor, but to have a great poem dedicated to me is an overwhelming gift.   When you expressed your plans to write a poem from the viewpoint of Claire I was intrigued, so it was a thrill that your vision came to fruition, and with breathtaking triumph.   To observe the nymph-like author through the eyes of a narcissistic rival told us perhaps more about the gifted legend than a first person account. Though her memory is filtered through a shade of bitterness, the author shines through in your very moving and resplendent descriptions.   That she was clad in the now iconic, thigh-high, blue socks, stained, like green kisses, by the adoring Earth was highly significant. There's a sweeping sense of abandon and a celestial sensuality in those socks, much to the aggravation of the woman in her shadow, and it didn't help that Mary was etching the first glimmers of a literary firestorm.   They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so Mary must have found some satisfaction in this even while being the target of cruel jealousy. Even in death, Mary loomed victorious, and this sense of absolute defeat was captured, with flawless, blazing poetics, in the line: "and monsters that her books became to me".   A vision accomplished. Applause!  
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crypticbard commented on: Take Me Away by exthias1983 2 years 18 weeks ago
A total surrender and almost: A total surrender and almost excruciating plea, quite cLear as the cry, 'Maranatha!' Even nature itself cries out.
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Starward commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Welters Of Claire Clairmont's Long Seething Distress by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thank you so much for that: Thank you so much for that insightful comment.  The socks, as you pointed out, are a symbol that occurs often in my poetry, and is a unifying concept,  I applaud your perceptions, of this and my other poems that you have commented, and I am grateful for your visit to this poem.
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crypticbard commented on: Duck Sauce by Teytonon 2 years 18 weeks ago
Oh my. This is not the world: Oh my. This is not the world we were raised to live in. Somethin very bad has happened along the way for it to come to this. 
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crypticbard commented on: THE WORD OF MY LORD by chris 2 years 18 weeks ago
Being taken by the hand is: Being taken by the hand is such an assuring image and feel. It can also be a bold statement as grown ups aren't usually used to this, typically being led along by a child that takes the adult's hand. Brings to mind the statement of Jesus for our faith to be such as a child's, thereby allowing for our hand to be taken, not just to be brought to Paradise but also to be brought to the bridal altar. Very strong images here. Thanks for sharing. 
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