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crypticbard commented on: A Grand Canvas by THWYALG 2 years 17 weeks ago
The sunset upon the landscape: The sunset upon the landscape is a burnished tapestry that engulfs the beholder and to be lost in it we are found in wonder at witnessing and the possibility of being part and parcel of that sunset some glorious day when our sunset arrives. Thanks for sharing.
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zoeycup16 commented on: Afraid to love again! by zoeycup16 2 years 18 weeks ago
afraid to love again: thank you i love writing poetry its my way of getting my feelings out of me and on to paper!!!
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Teytonon commented on: 78 years by Teytonon 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thank you so much for your comment : I appreciate it very much.
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crypticbard commented on: Poet, Speak! or forever be silent by arqios 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thanks SS: Thanks SS, you are much appreciated. /Rik.
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SSmoothie commented on: ..... All Wounds by Wordman 2 years 18 weeks ago
Only love? I just want to: Only love? I just want to argue all night on 'only love' what a beautiful yet gruesome piece. It really torments the reader on so many levels. Calm down, irs 'only a poem' ss - a bloody great one.
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SSmoothie commented on: Poet, Speak! or forever be silent by arqios 2 years 18 weeks ago
Loved it! Best blessingss : Loved it! Best blessingss 
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georgeschaefer commented on: ODD FELLOW (TOO) by georgeschaefer 2 years 18 weeks ago
Glad you enjoyed the ride. : Glad you enjoyed the ride.  I'm still traveling the avenues hoping to find something that I already possess.  It is rewarding if someone else can benefit from my psychotic musings.
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crypticbard commented on: Poet, Speak! or forever be silent by arqios 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thanks kindly, Spinoza. Power: Thanks kindly, Spinoza. Power does not equal bluster.  It makes me wonder I had only left one post or only posted once, whichever, on this account. It's good to see that a hemming together is being forged here and now. Have an awesome weekend.
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crypticbard commented on: cecelia by lizardking 2 years 18 weeks ago
Funny how we think that of: Funny how we think that of the women we love/loved. There was a time that all I could write off and think of was the girl. And immortalising my feelings sometimes served to stifle and anchor me in place while she moved on. Perhaps writing in hindsight has distinct advantages, emotion-wise. Thanks for sharing.
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Morningglory commented on: I lost by Morningglory 2 years 18 weeks ago
thank you for stopping by: I appreciate your thoughts
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Teytonon commented on: Close to normal by clutchforbalance 2 years 18 weeks ago
Trying to find the right words: Wow. A very powerful piece of writing. Thank you for sharing it.
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crypticbard commented on: 78 years by Teytonon 2 years 18 weeks ago
No, Not Yet. Another day,: No, Not Yet. Another day, perhaps! A lovely shape poem with a lovely shaped voice to pair. Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
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crypticbard commented on: At The Estate Of Prudentius, The Poet, 1 by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
First, Prudentius was given a: First, Prudentius was given a name, then a life, then relationship... a good step to introduce us to Psychomachia and Peristephanon.  Perhaps, she too shall be given a name, or should be. Thanks for having shared in 2001 & 2019.
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Starward commented on: The Source of Our Hubris by Spinoza 2 years 18 weeks ago
The two excellent poets whose: The two excellent poets whose comments precede mine here have left me nothing to add.  They have described this poem perfectly, so I can only add my applause for your poem and my full agreement to their remarks.
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crypticbard commented on: How long can you run on by Spinoza 2 years 18 weeks ago
There is something quite: There is something quite fearful about injustice that irks the great Avenger. And when that day comes we shall all of is be held to account. Thanks for sharing this timely and needed poem.
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