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Spinoza commented on: the current play by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM :   Out – out are the lights – out all! And, over each quivering form, The curtain, a funeral pall, Comes down with the rush of a storm – Poe   Death – it comes to all of us. But it’s coming sooner than most people think.   Targeted extermination. That’s the next bus stop.   And it’s coming via death by hunger (A Global Holodomor) and various toxic interventions (Food, Water, Air, and Medicine) – to slowly grind and pulverize the human race – whom carry in their DNA, the very image of God.   That’s what it’s all about. Destroying the image of God – and His entire Creation.   And whether you speak it upon the air or not, you know it’s coming.   The Devil’s been busy of late – getting his pieces in place ACROSS THE GLOBE, as you’ve all witnessed with your own eyes.   He has assembled TODAY – the perfect cabal, to complete his Work of Ages. They stand ready, to lower the capstone in place.   There’s no going back to Kansas kids. And there’s no reversing it. All you can do, is brace.   NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM      
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crypticbard commented on: the current play by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
This is why fake news is an: This is why fake news is an important battleground. Who gets to decide what is true and false has the power. It truly is the age of (MIS)information.
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crypticbard commented on: ON THE OUTSIDE by georgeschaefer 2 years 17 weeks ago
for the longest time, even: for the longest time, even way back in the schoolyard days, the cool kids sought to be looked up to as the ideal main stream, along with fashion, commerce, sports, music and other trends. It's probably only in the arts where 'outsiders' have a glimmer of a chance. And then again it's always tough to compete when you aren't allowed in. Thanks for sharing.
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Spinoza commented on: the current play by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
behind the curtain indeed:   Even in times of antiquity, the amphitheatre was a form of social engineering. Today – we have Hollywood – The Media – Social Media – and Big Tech.   But who controls the plays – that get shown? The books – that get printed? The screenplays – that get made into film? The Science and The Facts and The History – that we have access to?   Who controls the algorithms – of your every search query? Who determines what you can see – and what you cannot see? Who holds that ultimate power behind the scene?   Know the answer to this, my friend… and you know too, where this whole shebang is going.   Benjamin Disraeli, gave us a glimpse into this 150 years ago…   “Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.” – Benjamin Disraeli   "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." – Benjamin Disraeli   An interesting article on the man…    
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Spinoza commented on: Last of the Mohicans by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
No Winners:   They say life is a series of losses. As Earnest Hemingway once said, “Winner Takes Nothing”     Because there is no winner. Death is the final arbitrator.
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Spinoza commented on: How long can you run on by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
The plunge will come quick:   The bow is already slipping beneath the waves. The plunge will come quick.
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Spinoza commented on: How long can you run on by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
what’s coming down the pipe:   You know what’s coming down the pipe. It’s unavoidable at this point. Too many people stopped caring. That’s all it takes.
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Spinoza commented on: Satans Pretty Flowers by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
the gleaming nature of their prettines:   It certainly takes a good while, that’s for sure. But such is the gleaming nature of their prettiness.
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Spinoza commented on: Bread & Circus by Spinoza 2 years 17 weeks ago
And gather it does:   And gather it does, like a wild tempest of Jupiter
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crypticbard commented on: The work by osiriss- 2 years 17 weeks ago
The depth of this feels with: The depth of this feels with understanding what many a modern person exists with and denies with their outward veneer; we have but to see social media posts and interactions as to the veracity of this truth. Thanks for sharing.
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Starward commented on: The Sound Of Certain Words by J-C4113D 2 years 17 weeks ago
Thank you, sir.: Thank you, sir.
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crypticbard commented on: The Sound Of Certain Words by J-C4113D 2 years 17 weeks ago
erm... urm... fun sounds are: erm... urm... fun sounds are always a pleasure to read and use! Churn and burn, look so stern; Baker from Bern.
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crypticbard commented on: Work in progress by Leo87 2 years 17 weeks ago
As a caterpillar enshrouds in: As a caterpillar enshrouds in its cocoon so a chrysalis emerges not quite the worm that it used to be. An inspiring prompt. Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
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crypticbard commented on: .. by Leo87 2 years 17 weeks ago
very poignant and filled with: very poignant and filled with a back story that the outside observer can only desperately fill with their own backstory... thanks for sharing. /Rik.
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Starward commented on: Once bethought by humanfruit 2 years 17 weeks ago
I have fallen too far behind: I have fallen too far behind in my reading; I apologize.  I am very glad to have read this beautiful poem, and I cannot add anything to what Patricia has already said.  The poem is very impressive and has my applause.
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