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J9thxciv commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Homer Does Not Turn His Sight Away; So He Tells Us by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
I do not have sufficient: I do not have sufficient words to describe how much the second paragraph of your comment has helped me make some decisions for going forward.
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J9thxciv commented on: + 27.225 MHz: A Prayer Before A Painful Medical Procedure; Asked, And Answered By God's Grace by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
Thank you so much.: Thank you so much.
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patriciajj commented on: + 27.225 MHz: A Prayer Before A Painful Medical Procedure; Asked, And Answered By God's Grace by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
Certainly this fervent and: Certainly this fervent and soul-stirring prayer has reached the heart of God. Joining you in this heartfelt plea. God bless. 
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J9thxciv commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Homer Does Not Turn His Sight Away; So He Tells Us by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
Thank you for that comment. : Thank you for that comment.  I am encouraged, by your words, to continue the series---which, as you know (forgive me for the repetitiousness, but I do not tire of saying this), was inspired by your comments and encouragements.  Thank you, even raised exponentially to a gazillion, come near to expressing my gratitude; but the internal emotion never fits the available, but always external, words.
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J9thxciv commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Two Or Three Christians' Gravesites by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
I truly think you are: I truly think you are definitely on to something with that, and perhaps you will present it to your readers in a poem.
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J9thxciv commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Two Or Three Christians' Gravesites by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
Thank you.  We have a rather: Thank you.  We have a rather historic "main" cemetery in our area, and it has a couple of sections that are designated by religious faith.  The one I have visited, all too rarely, is very peaceful, and can provide a spiritual experience like to the one I was given at Gettysburg.
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crypticbard commented on: Bad Reflections by 2 years 15 weeks ago
The turns of thought and: The turns of thought and phrase are delicious and invite thought and conversation. A very engaging poem. Thanks for sharing.
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crypticbard commented on: Washed by 2 years 15 weeks ago
The truth that lay ensconced: The truth that lay ensconced in the last two lines: That's where it all comes to a head, followed by a soaring or a crashing, it would seem - "without ever knowing who he was." How can we genuinely worship what we do not know at in the least attempt to know. That was a loophole of religion that the apostle Paul harnessed at Mars Hill, that altar that they had to the honour of the Unknown God. There must be something about the knowing. Then they shall know, He is even quoted to have said, quite prophetically, they shall know that I am God. Thanks for sharing. 
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crypticbard commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Two Or Three Christians' Gravesites by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
Wondering if that principle: Wondering if that principle would apply to three or more like fashioned poems gathered together and form a poetic sacral. Perhaps the collegial congregation of beatnik poems, the impressionists, the romantic and other movements are still "onfluencing" those so disposed. Thanks for sharing.
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crypticbard commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Written On A Hope For The Real Future by J-C4113D 2 years 15 weeks ago
That is the only consolation: That is the only consolation for our poems after we've gone. This is also the one shining truth that brings me back to the dead poets society; there is a capacity and gifts that our poems give to others even when we are no longer in the picture. Thanks for sharing.
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georgeschaefer commented on: SPLATTERED by georgeschaefer 2 years 15 weeks ago
facts all come with points of: facts all come with points of view as David Byrne once intoned
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georgeschaefer commented on: ENORMOUS ORB by georgeschaefer 2 years 15 weeks ago
glad I could be of some: glad I could be of some assistance
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georgeschaefer commented on: ENORMOUS ORB by georgeschaefer 2 years 15 weeks ago
I stumble and bumble along: I stumble and bumble along but occasionally I get something right
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georgeschaefer commented on: PRETEND by georgeschaefer 2 years 15 weeks ago
I don't know what else to do: I don't know what else to do
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patriciajj commented on: মেঘের অশ্রু by shawon1982 2 years 15 weeks ago
প্রেমের এই সুন্দর: প্রেমের এই সুন্দর অভিব্যক্তিতে অনেক চমত্কার এবং উজ্জ্বল লাইন রয়েছে। এটি করুণা, শক্তি এবং সত্য ভক্তির সাথে প্রবাহিত হয়। আপনার প্রতিভা সাধুবাদ!
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