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georgeschaefer commented on: NUKING HIROSHIMA by georgeschaefer 2 years 7 weeks ago
a person saying "nuke them: a person saying "nuke them all" sadly does not realize that that cavalier attitude makes them no better than the people they wish to "nuke" and quite possibly worse than the person they wish to kill.  War has been a human constant.  If we're going to cite faith in God or faith in Jesus, maybe we should try to actually elevate ourselves and be better.
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georgeschaefer commented on: NUKING HIROSHIMA by georgeschaefer 2 years 7 weeks ago
once in a war, each nation: once in a war, each nation will likely take steps to end the war quickly and hopefully minimize their own losses.  The problem continues to be our willingness to resolve conflict and disagreement with war in the first place.  An action that saves my life may very well cost another person their life.  That's a great break for me but the value of either of our lives is equal.  The tragedy and evil is in the constant impulse to go to war in the first place.
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Starward commented on: Shame by rachel 2 years 7 weeks ago
Anguish radiates from this: Anguish radiates from this poem like the foul light of a noxious star.  Society, which is merely a sum of fallible human beings, imposes shame upon those who are true to their nature, upon those who love according to their nature, and upon those who do not care to conform to expectations.  And the final two lines introduce us to one of those rare people who are not daunted by the imposition of shame.  Bravo!
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patriciajj commented on: Zero Carbon Kings by Spinoza 2 years 7 weeks ago
With searing wit and: With searing wit and unflinching defiance, you did a stunning job skewering the kleptocrats. Some priceless stanzas here. Each one is a clever backlash to unprincipled leadership (and I'm being a nonpartisan, equal opportunity offender when I say this) and a system that is begging to be exploited for personal gain.   Absolutely brilliant commentary.  
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Starward commented on: read to your satisfaction by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
Before the internet, I felt: Before the internet, I felt such connections through printed books---with Mary Shelley, of course; Vergil; Eliot and Stevens.  The internet gave me new connections with living Poets which is much more satisfying.  
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crypticbard commented on: read to your satisfaction by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
That was exactly the desired: That was exactly the desired outcome to its reading and the astuteness of the reading mind reveals this most enviable relationship. There are times the connections formed by these moments of communion between reader and writer can be beyond the capacity of either to comprehend and contain. The power of a completed circuit of communication is a communion unique in many ways.
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Starward commented on: Suggestion To The Postpoems Community by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Postpoems has become a huge: Postpoems has become a huge part of my life---second only to my Faith---and I cannot imagine my existence without it.  Nor can I imagine why some Poets from the early days of postpoems no longer participate.  Putting comments on those poems lets those Poets know that they have not been forgotten.  I wish a lot of the current Poets at postpoems would join in this effort, and so multiply the number of comments on those archived poems.
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Starward commented on: read to your satisfaction by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
This poem completely: This poem completely summarizes and encapsulates the relationship, through reading, of the Poet and the audience of the Poem(s).
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crypticbard commented on: Spiritual swine by humanfruit 2 years 7 weeks ago
It would at times appear that: It would at times appear that our mind is the only monastery that won't reject our monkhood. And even then there is no real guarantee. But there is, as has been proven throughout the ages, poetry.
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crypticbard commented on: reflection of plumbing by ultimprv 2 years 7 weeks ago
A powerful reading and: A powerful reading and expression. Will definitely looking forward to fresh outpourings from this brilliant pen.
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crypticbard commented on: What's a decade here and there? by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
Oh my, thank you. We may have: Oh my, thank you. We may have stumbled upon a secret key here, home back on to a point in our life's resumé and use as a diving board and refuelling station the best of the best. That is the thread that lengthens and intertwines, hope being the needle/shuttle that moves in the tapestry making journey of life.
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Starward commented on: Three Chances In Twenty by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Thank you, and yes I agree,: Thank you, and yes I agree, 1000%.
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crypticbard commented on: Three Chances In Twenty by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Too moving for words. The: Too moving for words. The intersection of the divine and the human at many times and at many occasions could be found on or around the cutting table. Perhaps it is that point were mortality reaches the point of its finite limit that the infinite becomes quite clear. I love the incredulous yet verve-filled expletive of Buzz Lightyear; "to infinity and Beyond!" The glory of course redounds to the Alpha and Omega!
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Starward commented on: PATHWAY TO THE TREEHOUSE by georgeschaefer 2 years 7 weeks ago
You have put that so: You have put that so accurately and so poignantly that my words fail in the face of this magnificent poem.  I did not have a tree-house, but my father and grandfather built for me (then a pre-schooler) a small structure, shaped like a storage shed but with a window on each of two of its four sides.  I kept my collection of the Aurora company's plastic models of the Universal Monsters in there, along with the latest copy of Eerie Magazine, and the antique roll-top desk, childsize, that had been my father's when he was my age, and which he had given me.  And the imaginary futures my friends and I discussed, in there, were spectacular; but I was too immature to realize what your poem has stated to elegantly---that nothing we imagined would be any better than that.  Decades later, when my last parent (mother) passed, and I sold the property, I compelled the buyer to transport, at his expense, that small building, and it now sits, on concrete cinder blocks as it did before, in my backyard.
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Starward commented on: the budding senescent by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
Even in your comments, your: Even in your comments, your profound wisdom is very obvious.
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