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Starward commented on: murder at the kaisarion by arqios 1 year 50 weeks ago
Wow!  Your theological: Wow!  Your theological insight is sooooo profound.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Quatrain Inspired By 1st Thessalonians 5:17 by J-C4113D 1 year 50 weeks ago
Thank you for that insight,: Thank you for that insight, astute as always.  The summary of prayer, as you have written it, is very precise, theologically, without sounding like an academic textbook.  
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Teytonon commented on: Where have you gone Allets? by Teytonon 1 year 50 weeks ago
Stella is gone: Stella is gone She has moved on We all must die Stella, goodbye
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crypticbard commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Quatrain Inspired By 1st Thessalonians 5:17 by J-C4113D 1 year 51 weeks ago
Prayer when it commences: Prayer when it commences reminds me of "break, break, break / on thy cold grey stones, O Sea!" Wherein we bring ourselves to the magnificent presence of Majesty. And yes, what a privilege and opportunity it the becomes to come alongside in compassion And eventually communion.
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crypticbard commented on: murder at the kaisarion by arqios 1 year 51 weeks ago
In such situations I remind: In such situations I remind myself of Iscariot and Peter, both imperfect in their own individual ways and yet both given patience, mercy and grace. But one gave up where the other came back and turned from his ways. And I do understand and relate deeply with that sense of shame. It is a standing reminder that it is not the Christians but the Christ that saves, else there would be no need for atoning, repentance, redemption, reconciliation, resurrection, imputation, justification and all those big and marvellous things that can only be truly understood by living faith and grace. 
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crypticbard commented on: WELL WORN COPY by georgeschaefer 1 year 51 weeks ago
All of humanity entire is an: All of humanity entire is an exploring kind, some tamer than others but still an excursion outside the known fence lines. Good stuff.
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crypticbard commented on: DREAMING by joy 1 year 51 weeks ago
Haven't gotten that request: Haven't gotten that request in all these years, but kind of looking forward to it, just wonder if they are a bit older when they ask. Oh my. What to do, then? 
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Starward commented on: murder at the kaisarion by arqios 1 year 51 weeks ago
As a Christian, I am ashamed: As a Christian, I am ashamed of those Christian fanatics who completely subverted and violated the teachings of Christ by doing that to her.  Definitely, as Christ said, the tares do grow among the wheat.
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crypticbard commented on: murder at the kaisarion by arqios 1 year 51 weeks ago
Yes kind sir, that was the: Yes kind sir, that was the challenge of the subject matter, to allow for a manageable collection of information where there are so many and sometimes conflicting bits of data and to elect the ones that bring enough leeway to flex and still be in keeping with the general understanding of events which hopefully brings a thought process that could host even the opposing or incongruent views in the one poem.   Having thus said, these fanatics could be or could be likened to the parabalani who were loyal helpers that were employed by the ruling power to help with the terminally ill and dying. That fanaticism went beyond euthanasia at some point and even became a "secret" force to carry out assassinations in the interest of the security of state. A second supporting idea  to fanaticism is that having divested her of her clothing within the temple grounds whe was dismembered and her body parts were dragged/paraded around the districts of Alexandria before being brought together at a funeral pyre to purify the city of all the evils she was purported to have brought in her life's work.
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Starward commented on: murder at the kaisarion by arqios 1 year 51 weeks ago
I know only the slightest: I know only the slightest information about Hypatia, although I am aware that she was murdered by fanatics, but I enjoyed your poem---which compresses a lot of information in a brief space.
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djtj commented on: Heron Clan Sept 25, 2022 No Longer by djtj 1 year 51 weeks ago
Victim Poems: My "editor", and subject for most of my poems believes this is a victim poem and thinks I can get beyond the blame frame. I do see the your fault finger pointing in this poem but I still like this one. He just might be too vested in the subject lol.
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djtj commented on: Heron Clan: Oct 16, 2022, Princess Hair I’d say by djtj 1 year 51 weeks ago
Thanks: A combine effort one morning.I contributed the middle line
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Unseen.warfare commented on: Poem to end all poems by Unseen.warfare 1 year 51 weeks ago
One Church. The Orthodox: One Church. The Orthodox Church ☦️
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Unseen.warfare commented on: Poem to end all poems by Unseen.warfare 1 year 51 weeks ago
The real issue is you are a: The real issue is you are a humanist that thinks you are a Christian. Heretics are without Grace. That's not saying they can't repent. but, what do you think happens to a heretic at death? Do we all go to heaven miss? Even the ones that don't confess Christ?
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crypticbard commented on: TRAIN RIDE by chris 1 year 51 weeks ago
There is that sense of the: There is that sense of the land and a distinct feeling of the golden age of travel about a train journey. That has been captured here quite elegantly. Nothing quite like seeing how we get there!
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