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j-called commented on: + 27.225 MHz: Epigram On Joy by J-C4113d 1 year 21 weeks ago
Once again, I find a failure: Once again, I find a failure on my part to acknowledge one of your comments.  I an very, very sorry.  I hope you are still speaking to me.  I have not intended to fail in acknowledging your comments, but for some reason this keeps happening.  Please, please forgive me. And thanks, however belatedly, for this comment.  I always appreciatie your spiritually shrewd comments.
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ramonathompsont commented on: A PIECE OF CAKE by joy 1 year 22 weeks ago
loved it. so sweet and: loved it. so sweet and heartfelt
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j-called commented on: young love's shimmer by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
And thank you for posting the: And thank you for posting the poem.
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Teytonon commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
I appreciate your curiousity..: I appreciate your curiousity. It gives me a chance to show off my virtuosity and verbosity while hopefully not my pomposity since that might cause some animosity. Thank you for your generosity. Think I'll stop this monstrosity. 
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crypticbard commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
Those experiences seem to be: Those experiences seem to be rich catalysts for such a poem.
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georgeschaefer commented on: PEARLABLES by georgeschaefer 1 year 22 weeks ago
thank you.  I enjoy writing: thank you.  I enjoy writing about my various experiences in life.  For better or worse, we all roll thru life and hopefully gain a little wisdom. This was in the late 80s so there was not likely a vegan option then.  Nowadays most trucks will have something for vegan or gluten free options, options for lactose intolerant etc.
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crypticbard commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
Thank you ever so kindly.: Thank you ever so kindly. Your concise comment is much welcomed and always appreciated.
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crypticbard commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
There is a power there that: There is a power there that is often overlooked, thank you most kindly.
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crypticbard commented on: young love's shimmer by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
Thank you dear Patricia.: Thank you dear Patricia. Young love is hardly perfect and we all have had our start somewhere or other. I am grateful that you have astutely spotlighted such nuances and have read what a hurried perusal would have been so easily missed or ignored. And for all that and so much more I am most grateful.
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Teytonon commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
Thank you for responding to my..: Thank you for responding to my comment. While I agree with what you say about women in general,  I've met a couple in my life that were pretty monstrous.
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SSmoothie commented on: Dirty Footprints on your Heart, Again by Beavis 1 year 22 weeks ago
Love you more! : Love you more! 
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SSmoothie commented on: Tear by SSmoothie 1 year 22 weeks ago
Its reflective and not: Its reflective and not bothered by it in any way its about pain and not understanding what CPRS feels like when it becomes unmanageable and you feel like no one cares enough to place importance on your requests that are so simple but necessary. Hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
Fantastic poem, so much on: Fantastic poem, so much on point and richly descriptive! Awesome work!
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SSmoothie commented on: manstrocity by arqios 1 year 22 weeks ago
No such thing. Women, are: No such thing. Women, are designed to bare the hardest things with the softest weapons and what a joy it must be to discover the power of them!  Best blessings ss 
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SSmoothie commented on: °°°○○○°°° by SSmoothie 1 year 22 weeks ago
I am so honoured you have: I am so honoured you have spent some time in Ssmoothieland! And so excited and overjoyed at your comment! I swear sometimes I write just to impress you. I will never forget the influence you have has on me as a writer, an observer of truth, perception or thought. What a glorious day! I haven't much time and sporadically do something here and there i don't refine often, I just pour it out on the page and share it with the universe, better out than in... a coping mechanism i can only write on my phone can't type much anymore due to an injury... rehab is a blinder of a thing! Never ready for it. But at least I have some avenue and maybe some audience who will make of it what they will. I just wish I had more refind stuff... maybe I should add a code to differentiate from my rambling thought bubbles and save more than a few from certain shock or boredom!  ha ha ha  So happy you dripped by the world is feeling much righter and brighter today! Thank you, my PostPoem legend!
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