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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Post-Party Depression by humanfruit 1 year 18 weeks ago
You're quite welcome. And my: You're quite welcome. And my pleasure. Happier when I can make the time to sit with poetry, yours certainly included.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Fertility by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
Glad you visited and gave it a read, a ponder: Appreciate the inspiration.
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Pungus commented on: Fertility by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
Okay okay okay. One of the: Okay okay okay. One of the finest flowers I ever see-sawed in the garden a-tall. 
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Pungus commented on: Post-Party Depression by humanfruit 1 year 18 weeks ago
Wow, thank you so much: And as always it is an incredible pleasure to hear from you. Thanks bounteous bunches!
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Free-Spirited_Wolf commented on: God Is Real by randyjohnson 1 year 18 weeks ago
Instead of getting angry with: Instead of getting angry with them,  pray for them.  Pray for their soul.  Pray they'll find God in their hearts before it's too late.  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Post-Party Depression by humanfruit 1 year 18 weeks ago
Incredible title: Nothing disappoints, thereafter, either.   There horticulturalist in me especially appreciates these lines for their metaphoric value:   "Because a blossom is  Usually dependent upon The soul of the soil is Plotted there for growth.."   All the best, friend.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Unforgettable by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
Thank you for taking such: Thank you for taking such time to both soak in the mourning and it's beauty (as you kindly define it), and to share your graceful thoughts. As always, your generous insight deserves more attention and praise than my poem, and I greatly appreciate that blessing.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Unforgettable by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
Thank you very much : ): Thank you very much!
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: What’s the 411? by Teytonon 1 year 18 weeks ago
Don't dial 411, they won't tell you : ): People and entities with the same agenda saw to the elimination of all 3.
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Starward commented on: God can do the impossible by GeneConner2008 1 year 18 weeks ago
This is an excellent: This is an excellent testimony.  Thank you for posting it.
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Starward commented on: What A Cut by satishverma 1 year 19 weeks ago
I find your poetic style very: I find your poetic style very instructive.
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Starward commented on: fare thee well by arqios 1 year 19 weeks ago
What an excellent elegy!: What an excellent elegy!
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Starward commented on: Praise To The Lord For A Good Report by J-C4113d 1 year 19 weeks ago
Thank you for those kind: Thank you for those kind words.  I appreciate your understanding and your own experience with that sort of thing.  I had the thickness level checked just the other day, and now it is too thin.  It oscillates, but I am used to it by now---I have been on blood thinners since 2007.  Thanks again for commenting.
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Morningglory commented on: I Was Editing And by allets 1 year 19 weeks ago
Miss you : Miss you Lady A
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Morningglory commented on: WHEN ALICE THREW THE LOOKINGGLASS by pamschwetz 1 year 19 weeks ago
hmmm: it's funny, I was just chatting with a friend about humpty dumpty
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