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SSmoothie commented on: Simple things by SSmoothie 1 year 16 weeks ago
Yes I am find that as well we: Yes I am find that as well we can be so blind in our younger years. I pray everyone gets to see that revelation at least once! Always love to see you drop by hugas 
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SSmoothie commented on: Simple things by SSmoothie 1 year 16 weeks ago
I always love how you get me.: I always love how you get me. I also love how we can write about rhe sane thing but so differently but yet not! It is a jenaisequoi I conning explain but I know you know what I mean and that's just like coming home 
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SSmoothie commented on: Simple things by SSmoothie 1 year 16 weeks ago
Thank you so much love that: Thank you so much love that you came by hugss 
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SSmoothie commented on: The Re-do. Misplaced by SSmoothie 1 year 16 weeks ago
Wow! Iam I. AWE Patricia and: Wow! Iam I. AWE Patricia and Starward! What woukd i do withoy ut you? Always so generous and thoughtful. I wish you a million stars to wish on and when it doesn't take so long to write with my condition I will return the awesome favour. And thank you to all if you who read my stuff I am so blessed I try to read as much as I can but I have a huge performance to prepare coming up next week. I organise alot of them but only back at work part time the rest is doctors and physo. Lots of love always to all my Postpomies past and present and into the future! My sould 8s dancing today even if my arm hands and fingers are crying I can do anything today because of what you say. Tightest hugss most love Ss
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: 9:47 AM by georgeschaefer 1 year 16 weeks ago
What a great, dare I almost say: ..immortal line, to capture a what will amount to a moment in the long arc of mankind and civilization:   "graffiti scarred walls greet passengers with gibberish"
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: DON’T HOLD GRUDGES by georgeschaefer 1 year 16 weeks ago
Indeed, sir.: I think it can also block us from having the opportunity to see positive changes in situations, others, and also our own selves.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Bacon love makin’ by Teytonon 1 year 16 weeks ago
I believe it's for real haha.: I believe it's for real haha. The Ranch Dressing Soda is definitely the most extreme take on soda they have in my book, as well, and that is saying a whole lot. They really push the envelope!   And, yes, I did like the edit - nice finishing touch on the Bond verse. 
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Starward commented on: An Eerie Parallel by J-C4113d 1 year 16 weeks ago
With the utmost disrespect, I: With the utmost disrespect, I must disagree that the causes that motivated Hitler invalidate the parallel to the Innkeeper 45's next attempt for a power grab.  The process, I still believe, is exactly the same, and I fear that the results will be the same as well.  But thanks for commenting.
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Starward commented on: Vanishing in the Blazing Night by patriciajj 1 year 16 weeks ago
Thank you for that very: Thank you for that very complimentary reply.  But it is I who am indebted to you---who have bestowed on me the great privilege of which I had long dreamed during my undergrad years, to watch a great collection of Poetry being assembled poem by poem before my eyes.  You have provided me that privilege, and the opportunity to see a process of which, decades ago, I could only read in the past tense.    However, I understand that, given my verbosity, brevity in a reply is a virtue.  And my health, or unhealth, condition tonight insists on brevity.  And this insistence is like a playground bully . . . .
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patriciajj commented on: Vanishing in the Blazing Night by patriciajj 1 year 16 weeks ago
I owe a great debt to you for: I owe a great debt to you for supporting this series of reflections, in fact, your own theological poems and meticulous examinations of mine have emboldened and inspired me to continue. So with every poem I post comes incalculable gratitude for your kindness.   I'm always gratified in a huge way to read your very insightful and intricate breakdowns of my work as if you had been there from the first glimmer of an idea to the public posting. Anyone who has had the coveted honor of your expert analysis knows what I mean.   I know you haven't been feeling well lately, so I'm very touched by your generosity in taking the time to read and interpret my expression. My deep concern and tireless prayers are with you. Be blessed, Great Pillar of PostPoems.  
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patriciajj commented on: always by arqios 1 year 16 weeks ago
Amazing, how you can spin a: Amazing, how you can spin a few words into monumental magic. With mystifying agility, you conjured yet another one for the ages. Perfectly hypnotic. 
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patriciajj commented on: BEFORE by ladylynnp 1 year 16 weeks ago
"Now I have someone who won't: "Now I have someone who won't allow me to feel alone. He has become my before."   That is profoundly real and deeply moving. Love those lines!
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Teytonon commented on: Bacon love makin’ by Teytonon 1 year 16 weeks ago
Thanks for your comment!: Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Btw, your mention of James Bond prompted me to add something to what I originally wrote. Hope you like it. That website you show, is that for real? Crazy! Ranch dressing soda?? What brilliant mind thought of that? Lol!!
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: I believe he will fry by Teytonon 1 year 16 weeks ago
One's happiness: ..being dependent on another's demise is Kobayashi Maru.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Bacon love makin’ by Teytonon 1 year 16 weeks ago
My arteries clogged: ..just in reading this poem. But worth it. Great chuckle out of "How do you like your bacon martini Mr Bond? Shaken or stirred?"   Two more notes:   - Considering the way Elvis Presley died, the poor guy might have wanted to add a couple of leafs of lettuce to that wild concoction of a loaf.   - You asked for bacon soda, and apparently a company named Lester's heard you:   I suppose Mr. Presley might have liked to mix thier Bacon Soda with their PB & J Soda. I'd have recommended he spritz in a little Cucumber Soda, too, while he was at it. You know, for the ruffage. : )    
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