The Hero's of Today!
They dont wear cape's or fly higher then the cloud's up in the sky
and dont wear mask's upon there eyes so that no one can identify
always there risking there lives to save your life each and every day
they're better then what you'll see in any movie the heros of today
they dont read off of a script or sign endless autographs all day long
they'll never say no or turn you away or act like you dont belong
they have put you first before themselves every day with out delay
some will protect you with there very last breath the heros of today
so the next time a nurse smiles at you while she listens to your heart
or see an officer arrest a man or that firefighter tear a fire all apart
think of what theyve given up to be your first responder all the way
its those who put our lives before there own that are the heroes of today
Zoey cup
g;ad we have them
g;ad we have them
ron parrish
i am too
i am too