i live in a thousand mirrors of the marvelous
a weightless rhythm
singing like flickering mud
drinking in the lady of the moon
her river of dreams
clothed in conch shells and goat lungs
she loves me against her soft feet
against cotton puffs and the consecration
she consecrates me in spit and blood
rubber throated suck long as a giraffe neck
slum drummers drum
among tin fires and pig guts
thee I invoke thee
shaking the rattle
snake of the spine
angel headed devil girl
queen of dreams
womb of eternal darkness
the light everywhere with in her
and she speaks in the shadows
Dionysian belly dancers
boogger wooger
and rise out of wigs and apples
out of clouds and rice
i am throat and fist
holy molecules
jumping like a verb
a wing and a heart
crown of life
dead to the earth