Changed my mind



"That's it, i've had it with love" she said, "I'm full"

 But love is not something to be filled or stuffed with

 Love is something you give and never get enough of in return.


"That's it" she said, "I've given too much for too many,

 I think i've had it with love already"

 But love is not something to be given

 It's something you're offered of and you take what you can carry without regret.


"This time i'm really done" she said, "I've given and i've taken"

 But love keeps finding it's way back - Im cutting it.


                        (My heart in two)

Author's Notes/Comments: 
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joshie's picture

i like the words in this poem

i like the words in this poem :)

TheCure242's picture


I feel it.


"But love is not something to be filled of or to be stuffed with

 Love is something you give and never get enough of in return."

-This tugs at one's yearning


"But love is not something to be given

It's something you're offered of and you take what you can carry without regret"

-Pulls at your longing


"And love keeps finding it's way back - Im cutting it."

(My heart in two)

-And finally, tears through desire


Cool song too.


Zaz's picture

    Muin, i love the way you



Muin, i love the way you interpreted the poem:)
