Doubting something i once thought was unquestionable..

I used to think I would never doubt you but now I kind of do.

I know you love me a lot?well at least you act like you do.

I don?t know what to do anymore you make me so confused.

I used to be really happy before, now its like you don?t care anymore.

I know you try to make everyone happy, but cant you just tell? I?m not laughing.

I  try not to make a big deal about it, its just something that?s inside.

It?s something that I cant keep in anymore, something I cant hide.

I?m sorry if this makes you angry but you really can?t see,

I?m so confused by you. So I?m asking is it me?

I know this is your first relationship and you might feel tied down,

Im trying so hard not to weigh you down.

I cant help the way that I feel so much for you?but if you don?t want this you need to tell me if its true.

I don?t want to be your little waste of time and if this is what your feeling then please don?t waste mine.

I try to make you happy everyday and all the time, but I know I cant have that and you cant always be mine.

I write and think of this a lot because of the way you act, but just to let you  know in my life you?ve made an impact.

I feel so sad writing this to you but its just something I have to do?its just a way for me to figure out if this is really true.

Are you feeling this way? Is there something you tell me is there something you want to say? Please just let me know how you really feel because you confuse me and I think it?s a big deal. You need to talk to me? or you?ll never be able to get it and you?ll never be able to see.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem..because i loved someone with all my heart..and i never doubted their love for it is questionable.

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Joshua Wiebelhaus's picture

its to complicated for me to explain the details, but know that i now know how my bestfriend feels about the situation she is in.

i enjoyed this poem, it offered to me insight.
i could feel the confusion, the love, the want,the doubt

i liked it

AlexC's picture

I can relate to this alot, Nice write.

and hang in there, every relationship has it's ups and downs, even if the downs sometimes feel bottomless

If you don't Passionatly defend your freedom, every waking moment of your life, at every possible opportunity, you never deserved it.