Dying With Impatience

distance is a gaping hole in my heart.

it's void englufs my soul

and it takes these gestures

and turns them to nothing more than spit in the dirt.

i look down to see my heart laying there,

i thought it was in pieces, but no,

it's just a broken heart made up of ashes.

it's bleeding, i'm bleeding.

i pick up this garbage of an organ

and mend it the best i can,

but it's still not whole without you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the first line of this poem says it all.

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Nikki Reents's picture

Hey...I love your poems! They are so well written. I can relate to this one, though. I dont know if I understood it right, but if I did, I know how you feel. My boyfriend lives about 305 miles away and my parents dont approve of the relationship, I havent seen him in over a year. It hurts so mucn to live each day without his arms, but I know that someday we'll be together like we want to...And I hope you keep that in mind, as well. Its hard to be away from the one you love...And like I said, I dont know if I interpreted it the right way...If not, I am terribly sorry :-) Once again, though, I love the way you write, you have a true talent. I hope you never forget that.