Nizamary II (Summertime, Never Forget)

Nizamary II

(Summertime, Never Forget)

No ice cream sticky fingers,

or finding sea glass on the beach.

No new found pre tween attitude,

testing which boundaries you can cross.

So many things, you'll never do.

They took your life too soon.

One beautiful little girl gone,

this stranger feels the loss.

For our combined ignorance and blindness,

we shall all pay the cost,

With god now child,

pray with us,

that we may find the courage,

to save the next little one,

from torture and abuse.

Ask God to grant us vision,

and tell us what to do.

although i never knew you,

Your story broke my heart...

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I do not have sufficient words to express my response. I can only read this in stunned silence---for the tragedy of the little girl's death, and the way you have brought it to our attention.

J-9thxciv [ J 9th 94 ]