Dr. Drive Thru

Your toxins ravage my body,
Your words fill my head.
I cannot give you what you want.
It's mine,
I'll end up dead.
Once the first word is uttered,
I'll lose my final grip,
the snap inside,
the mind's escape.
Insanity finaly wins.

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

Man, oh man. What a great piece!

J-9THXCIV's picture

Wow, you have created a real dark character here. And can we talk about this one privately? I have some questions, not for public posting. This is a magnificent poem.

J-9thxciv [ J 9th 94 ]

indigo_kid007's picture

This really makes me think alot, yet it's so simple... great piece


Lauren Ellis's picture

Hey, I've been on vacation for a couple of weeks so, unfortunately, I haven't been able to check out your portfolio for a while, it gave me lots of time to write my new stuff though and thankyou so much for commenting on them so soon and with such kind words. I will keep posting them and I really hope you keep reading.
Wow is all I can say about this peice. I agree, this is a dark character, and a lot of mystery surrounds them. I instantly want to know more. It's very powerful and peircingly raw. A great peice.
Much love, Lauren xox