Lonely or only .. I am alone in a huge world full of many people, thousands of millions are there, but I am alone. It is like a puzzle to play, or trek to finish. I am not the only one who is lonely. But I am the only one who pretends that is not alone. I have friendship with the air I breath, with rose I smell and see, with the sky I look at, with music I listen, with land I walk on and with God I believe in. I love because I have the ability to love, but who??? This is a difficult answer! I love everything I belong to and everything belongs to me. I love because I need love. I don’t hate because it is enough to destroy this world. It is enough to create more devils on the earth. It is enough to kill our souls. Live to love, and love to live. Yara Mohammad 09/11/2005 03:00 AM London |
Its lonely at the top,
but it is comforting to look down at everyone else. ...