Ah Fuck, Valentine's Day's Near

Couples are all cuddled up together everywhere,

Kissing and giggling while the girls sit on laps.

I'm saving up some money for chocolate.

Looks like I'm gonna be fat in a few days.


No, I don't hate Valentine's Day,

But it's lonesome when your lover is states away,

Waiting for you to come back after graduation.

Ah fuck, why does it have to be so near?


The annoying boys will probably be chasing me,

But they're going to get their hearts shoved down their throats.

All the ugly chicks can have the cute guys

Because I only need my man and no one else.


Memories between me and him repeat in my head,

Making me smile and blush to the happiness I felt.

Has it been that long ago since I moved?

Ah fuck, Valentine's Day's coming up soon.


God, I miss having him so close to me so much!

At least my best friend doesn't have a date,

So we can go buy some candy tp celebrate.

I think throwing candy at couples might be more fun...


No way in hell am I going to dress in red, pink, and white!

Does it look like I'm a jackrabbit cupid?

Why are there barely any people with no dates?

Ah fuck, Valentine's Day's near.

Author's Notes/Comments: 



Whoops, sorry for posting this late ._.

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