Safe here in your room?

Your everything a remedy an unfound cure an Enchanted Melody all that and more, theres nothing but a secret a twisting curse inside me which i know no else derseves beside me

My suicide is only forbidden because my depression is unforgiven because im twisted hurt ridden bleeding forever the memories get worse turning my mind into something perverse my melody is melting off this harsh cold verse and your begining to imagine my pain driven curse beating myself into my defensive corner luring myself to go in further convincing or not im not insane the walls are thinning in each membrane my lines get longer and take time to produce inspiration inspired every stitch in this noose frost bite on each comforting touch I just wish you knew i love you so much i wish i never shiver and shake inside i shouldn't be afraid but why am i? I know you wont hurt me and they make you mad but inside me baby your the security i've never had. like candle wax dripping melting and molding I can feel the pain inside me unfolding each day like drip each night a rip shaking my nightmares out of head grasping you tight yet wishing for dead knowing they can't enter your room but the scars still scare me the nightmares resume can you protect me from my own decading soul? protect me from nightmares repeatively told? staring at your ceiling am i safe at all? safe here with you inside your room?

I can feel him pushing on me. I grab you so tight.

I can feel the ripping in me. crying all through the night.

In the morning you wake. IS everything really alright?

Baby, were you listening? I dont think its ever alright

How can i tell you he's sufficating me? when you were sleeping sweetly dreaming baby. theres thing i have to do and theres things i have to say but im not so sure you can make them go away theyve been haunting me for so long baby so long they have gripped me and these nightmares seem so real i thin i can forget these things Its not like i don't try but even amnesia wont forget that my innocence was stolen it's something i regret I feel guilty for not being innocent when im the innocent whore and now Im haunted by memories and nightmares forever more..

So baby am i really safe here in your room? because if I can be safe i hope its soon...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

0405  19 april 2006

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