
i've never met you

or even seen a pic

but i felt i knew you

u didnt take the mick

u knew the things i went thru

u wer my shoulder to cry on

you stuck by me

when i felt all was gone

it's weird that you live so far away

yet i feel so close to you

we really understand eachother

we're like the terrible two

but from all the unpleasent moments

to being hyper and falling off our chairs

i no that if we lose touch

u'd still always be there

you always make me smile

even when things are really bad

you turn my day around

because you\re the sister i never had


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Kayla's picture

AWW MUFFIN! i love it!!!!! :'( ur rite! ill always b there for ya! even when u think no one can b! i promise! ill always listen hunnie! aww muffin!:D i have a sister my age and it rox! \m/(><)\m/ woo im so lucky!!!:D
i love ya sis!