Step Inside

My Works

You've made it inside the cage. Congratulations. Consolidate the prize you've won. But first take a look around the world that you have ventured into. The disgraceful beauty, that you have penetrated. Wasn't, isn't it what you have been waiting for? Am I all that you have anticipated and waiting for? Or, am I more than you bargained for. But you didn't... you didn’t pay the price for me.. yet. All that you see before you is my life. In shattered pieces and broken down memoirs. You cannot see me yet. For you didn’t not succumb, to the reality of what is, happening to you. Always thinking, never seeing, always trying, never believing. I was the one who was always here, trapped inside waiting to be released. Come to me my love.. calling, calling always calling. I drive you mad don’t I love? Your secret of secrets. Your diamond buried deep within. You have reduced me to nothing but a secret that will be buried. But you can see.. what has been left of me, what was broken into and off of me.

The Shattered Mirror

The Chest

The Music Box

The Rose

The Black Book

all you can see of me is right in front you. But the pieces of me are scattered around the cage, in little areas of fallen black feathers. And as you continue to venture into the cage the size of yourself and your person grow smaller, as if it didn’t matter whether you were who you thought anymore. But then again nothing matters at all anymore. Who I am is who you wanted me to be. It always been you.. always you and always will be. And the humming tune of a haunting melody floats from a place you cannot decipher which brings to you more of these pieces of mysterious me. Play a little while, and sing a little tune and soon... very soon.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Part 3 people... if you didnt read part 2 which was "Locked away" and part one which was "Inside the Cage" then go read it.

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