Lovely Murder

My Works

Cut me.

kill me.

strip me ...

and do the final murdering.

Condone to your sins,

and give me what I want.

Take me down and tear out my heart.

Whisper lies and pour it on thick,

I want to hear what I've missed.

Tell me nothing short of the rest.

Dont worry my dear,

this time I wont survive the test.

Look into my eyes as I fade away slowly,

and know right now..

that I was your one true only.

Speak to me what you've spoken to so many,

those sacred words that have come to kill me.

I kept your possesion but you lied and gave it to another.

She knows how it feels to hold the key to my owner.

I wont go,

no not yet,

not until you've spent me to the final cent.

I knew it then I'll know it now,

she loved you and you...

My mind played me till the end,

and you took all that was left of me in the end.

Goodnight Sweet Angel you played the Ripper

In my Lovely Murder.

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