
Affixed on its canvas
lunging & straining to renew,

racing side by side in divine reaches

resting on endless oceans of void

spattered in amaranthine brilliance

Envisaging every powerful flourish as you saturate

in elated complexion 

as I smolder with desire
in heraldic lava until as glass hurled to stone 

my senses scatter and then once again 

I'm adorned in celestial sonance

that bewilders my intuitions

with every spiral
and sweep

of your solar brush



As what feels as eons past my words wept for
one more
chance to press their 
to your ears as your essence in kind

anchored itself to mine as my beautiful architect of color 

My world and I will miss yours as long as I'm able , and mourn that your lips did not grace mine


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allets's picture

Emotion Dense


Felt it inside an exquisite vocabulary selection. Bravo each image "one more/chance to press their/weight to  your ears..." Marvelous word art! - Encore! Stella 





SSmoothie's picture

Very wordy and dense in a

Very wordy and dense in a rich way beautifully written I find it  a little pretentious feeling when I do it. Well done. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Tetra_nova's picture

I appreciate your words,

I appreciate your words, thanks for reading.

This is a little wordier than some of my other work, I agree.

Although, it's stylized on purpose to be that way. 


allets's picture


Each time I read this poem, something else emerges; an element that says mastery of vocabulary and manipulation of sounds to draw the reader into the lines - I enjoyed twice and will return again - allets -



Tetra_nova's picture

Thank you~

You flatter me. Thank you so much for your kind words.


I don't write, often.... however... when I do, I want it to count.