I Remember

I remember the day so long ago,

when you first caught my eye.

I remember the day so long ago,

when we first said "HI."

I remember the day awhile ago,

when we first started going out.

I remember the day awhile ago,

when we loved each other

beyond any doubt.

I remember the day some time ago,

when we had our first kiss.

I remember the day some time ago,

when we were both in bliss.

I remember the day a short time ago,

when our relationship fell apart.

I remember the day a short time ago,

the day you broke my heart.

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Elle Sawa's picture

I have always loved free form writing the best, but i have more recently come to enjoy poetry that has patterns and repetition. It's a rather simple pattern but it is effective. I like this poem.

Lindsay McKenna's picture

My favorite, by far. it hurts, dont it? I loved someone once... well, you dont wanna hear about that. I really like this one. memories are beautiful... but they can cut deep. Better luck in the future.

Claire Glover's picture

Yeah hun, shit happens, and when it does im here for you. Just come to me when things happen, i will be willing to listen always :) ~Claire