
We used to be so close, but now we’ve drifted apart

I thought we’d stay together, right from the start

You were a star in my life, you were my best friend

I thought we’d be a pain, right up until the end

But as usual I was wrong and someone else was right

It started with a bicker and ended with a fight

A fight full of love, a fight full of hate

A fight full of violence and an unknown fate

There were words of hurt, there were words of pain

But deep inside we both felt the same

To think something so large aroused from something so small

Is hard to understand, yet to believe at all?!

What do we say? What do we do?

I’m worried of living without you

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

Disagreements and arguments aren't uncommon in friendships. I remember I've had my share so I can relate.