+It's your Fault+

I fall apart

Into a million pieces

You kill me inside

I'm broken

Dead and cold

Hurt by you

My heart is cracked

It can't be fixed

It's all your fault

And you don't care

Why me, thats all i wana know

Just tell me

Maybe I can heal

If I know the truth

I don't have to pretend

And hear the lies

Inside I'm dying

And it's all your fault

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Afzal Shauq's picture

Just tell me
Maybe I can heal
If I know the truth
I don't have to pretend
And hear the lies
Inside I'm dying
And it's all your fault

what greattt one... and sure the truth can heal up the wounds and release the pain inside...as you said here in this poem and broken in countless pieces but ... your breaking inner is going to complete too.. thats why became a good poet.. well done ...really appreciate this poem and your talent...