Heart's Wailing


Won't come to terms

When the shattered heart

Repeats mournful memoirs


Failing at being here and now

Because the shattered heart

Keeps feeding the fading dreams


Won't come to terms

Listening to the haunting wails

I try hard, but fall even harder

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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cathycavalcante's picture

Hearts can be a wondrous

Hearts can be a wondrous thing...and at the same time...agonizing.

Nicely written. :)


MajesticDravon's picture

Thank you

When I first started out writing, I did most of it from the heart and was forced to break this habit.  Now, I write both with heart and mind.  Again thank you.  Yes, heart can be wondrous and/or agonizing.


I am an artist of words as well as paints.