Ambitious and eager
Pursued my dreams and got hit with a cleaver
Repelled a boy
Regressed to sticking to toys'
Although I buried my wishes
Tearing out the ground they bloomed prolific
All my help was from my Mother
That woman with all my heart I love her
She told me I was "THE ONE"
No high school diploma and the earths scum
The residents hated me
My youth they stood afraid of me
Gang banging and drug dealing
My room was the hideout
My road dogs use to provide help
Then the system took me
I can't count the endless bookings
High school was not to be had by me
Even the institutions didn't provide a thing
My Hood is of Old Roots
Time enough to acquire mass feuds
In a 32 man cell
Average population 15 of my enemies were held
Spit on and taunted
Dry mouth before I got my saliva on all them
Alone on my own I'm a criminal
A fight gets an inmate locked down five 23 hour days
Beating a faces
My psyche wasn't phased
But something bad happens after a week
So confined I can no longer sleep
I was afraid
My eyes had a constant leak
Reflections of where I came from and was going
The second I was activated into the integration
For their turn more enemies were waiting
I hated the trap
The scenario fixed my life to bind a revolving rap
I had succumbed to evil
I really learned how to annihilate people
Out of my lockdown cell
I had premeditated intentions
I raised all hell
Then my Mom was informed
Private meetings and her pleas I ignored
She gave me biographies to read
The answer to what I needed if this life I would ever be leaving
The first one took a couple weeks to complete
By the second one I had been surprised of how I retained the knowledge so deep
Fights took a day to shake the stigma
Then I read a novel in hours and it took me away from the prison
Hundreds of ways to get a daily pardon
Ended them on the time they were started
Released from the gates with much more than a soul that was hardened
Weird thing though
God from out of nowhere entered my temple
I was warned against letting my violence being a solutions way of being simple
The way to evade Satan was so hard to shake
I can't help but check every minute to make sure I'm still awake
Worry to never be the younger me
Hell is not over losing me
The pain has relapsed in writing to you
I cry and still remain strong in both ways
Physical and mental are in the state of their potential
I fear no man but God
Go against me
I am that word you heard called the "odds"
Wisdom and peace are my only desires
Applied fighting and mind games
I’ll tare out a conscious and then tissue from a brain…
hey....i really liked this stood out from the was long but i enjoyed reading i give u madd props on this one....and keep ur damn good poems commin......holla bacz...hope to hear from u....