Will you be there when I am feeling blue?
Will you be there no matter what struggles we're going through?
How can I know for sure, when all you ever do is let me down?
How will I know you're sincere?
Will you be there even when you don't care?
YOu mean the world to me, but I don't think you understand.
After all you're just human.
I can't expect you to be who you're not
I won't push you because I love you alot
You need to know this isn't an infatuation, obsession
Or even for this one time situation
I promise I will stop when asked,
And that I will never act like an ass
Though I'll never get over you and you'll always have a place in my heart,
I wish we would never be apart.
We've known each other for many years
We've laughed, gotten mad, even shared some tears.
You can't possibly comprehend how I feel, for I can't figure it out for myself
I love you so much I feel lke I'm going to burst!
I know there's usually a happily ever after, but I fear the worst
I'll love you forever.