Instead of getting on with writting that letter using Word,
Think I will have one or two more games of Angry birds.
When you’re easily distracted,its hard to get on with your work.
More fun things to do,like watching a vid of Cyrus doing a twerk.
All those games I have to play on my console and Android phone.
I can’t resist the urge to use them on the bus,at work and at home.
In the office I reguraly, exit Facebook on my computer screen,
Hoping that a passing colleague or my boss had not seen.
Guys like Mark Zuckerberg,need to take their share of the blame.
Im not the only timewaster,I have friends who are just the same.
Its fun using websites like Amazon to buy lovely things online.
With just a few clicks of the mouse,I can order all that I find.
All work and no play,is something I certainly do not believe in.
If the tasks get done eventually,then the situation is win win.
I have to go now, there are cat vids on youtube I have got to see.
Those little kitties are just so darn lovely and cute as can be
Video and Audio
Take care, work computers are security scanned for off-work usage. Interesting poem theme. My grandson would like this poem; all on line gaming all the time - except during school days at our house. - Millennials. :D