Today i got the news,
the doctor said it was bad!
but there was nohing he could do.
Years of cigarette smoking has taken it`s toll
emphysema a nasty disease it will take whom ever it will
Thousands of people die every year while the f.d.a
turns a deaf ear it finially got so bad the news had to break
but for thousand it was to late.
Fighting for breath,trying to stay alive while the cigartte
companies make millions with the government a their side
the states stepped in and filed their suits so the cigarette
companies can pay small monthly amounts so they can still send
out their recruitts.
Cigarette price has gone sky high so the rest of us
cigarette smokers canmake up the difference of those
that died and the billions they pay from the suits us
smokers pay it so they dont lose any loot.
The state says its for medical care to pay for the
diseases the cigarette smoking caused and to keep
their employees from losing their jobs so they can
make more cigaretes and deceive more recruits
So the amount of money in takes and it takes
a lot of money to grease the hands of our government
in which it stands,
And when you get sick and go to your local hospital
just tell them the state will pay the bill cause
thats what the suits was all about and watch them
kick your ass out.
You see those fine homes and porshes dont come cheap
and you know the hospitials and doctors has a image to keep
but the cigarette companies paid the states to kill you
at their will and when you die the states will take everything
you got to pay your bill...
heres how it works people was dying in droves from cigarette
smoke that the government said it was alright then the lawyes
got involved and tried to sue,but the government allowed the
cigarette companies to pro long the suits and run the lawyers
out of money,it was an outcry so the government allowed the states to sue -they won billions of dollars it was supposed to help people with no ins and help ins companies on there claims
so the government allowed them to stay in business because they
made so much money and hired so many employes-so the state got the suits instead of the people whom the cigarettes killed
they paid billions to the states whom was supposed to pay
medical bills for the affected-the price of cigarettes has
trippled to cover the cost of the suits and the loss of smokers
so the people smoking today is paying three times more to pay
off the states-so in reality the smokers today is paying back
the bilions of dollars that was paid supposedly to those who
cigarettes killed go figure
ou their recruits
but for thousnds i was to late
Ron do you have emphysema? That's what it sounds like from this piece. I too am a smoker. *itch of habit to try to kick tried several times. Informative piece but just curious if you are speaking of yourself