Good Bye To Lacy

Oh lacy you`ll never know

how the world will miss you so.

No one can understand how hate

can take over a man,how he could

take the life of his wife and child

and end their world without trial.

What possesses your soul to take a

life so cold how much hate could be

in your heart to take a life before

it could start.

You broke a lot of hearts to take

the life of little conner before it

could start

Little conner never had a chance to

go to school,never learned to dance

he never saw a play ground he did`nt have

a chance.

And now scott you`ll spend your life

in prison and the love of lacy and

conner you`ll be missing.

You`ll never see that child grow

but the pain in your heart you

will always know...

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Becca Taylor's picture

This is really depressing.

Crystal Hecklinger's picture

Wow, so powerful, and sad tragedy, but i love the way you wrote this.....