From A Boy To A Man

Forever you will be in my heart

and forever i will owe you a debt.

Your the most wonderful girl i`ve

ever met,you brought me from a

boy to a man.

Sometimes i just sit back and think

on those times,wondering what it would

be like if you were mine.

But then i realize it was just part

of the plan,to bring me from a boy

to a man.

You taught me how to give,you taught

me how to smile,you taught me how to

love,i never knew how

And then you said goodbye,and you

taught me how to cry...

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The Đęąđ Рœţ's picture

Hello Ron...again, just wanted to say this is another poem I enjoyed, it has a somewhat sad ending though...but in reality, things like this do happen.

Becca Taylor's picture

Just like my ex. He taught me so many things. His love made me grow up, and then he left. So I had to teach myself how to get over him and move on.

ladyowens's picture

wow, i really like that last line. its really good and you can see and feel your pain.
good job