
To the man thats been my life!

My ups

My downs

My ups you were there to rejoyce with me

My downs you were there to confort me

When I did wrong you were there to help me correct them

When I did right you where there to praise me

When I cryed you were there to hug me and tell me that there

would be better days.

You've let me learn on my own, but given me advice to make it


You understood that I needed to learn on my own

You would give me the shirt off your back

You loved your grandchildren as if they were you own

I thank God for you and pray that you have a good life

I want you to know that everything positive about me is what

you taught me

You taught me that everyone is equal

You taught me that everyone deserves a chance or two

You taught me not to prejudge

You taught me to love

You taught me that it is ok to ask for help

You taught me to respect even when not respected

You taught me to give even if it is the last you have

You taught me that as long as you are nice, respectable to

people, you'll usually get it back

You taught me to walk away from a fight unstead of starting one.

So to you I owe my life, thanks, and now the shirt OFF MY BACK.

Love Always

Daddy's little girl always =)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is to my dad if you couldn't tell he is the reason that i am a careing, loving, understand person.  This man would help anyone if he could and they really  needed it. So to him my hats off.  He is my pride.  Thanks for the loveing hand, as well as the stren hand when needed. =)

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DeAnna Davis's picture

Jenny, this is a beautiful homeage to the one you call father. *waving at dad* =O) I applaud you in all that you have learned from him....even though I still think you need to pick fights with the 'right' people once in awhile....afterall, there is a difference bewteen being walked n and being trashed. ;O) =OD I love you, girl.