You are all about choices but what is your purpose?
This thing we call life, the only thing we know
The only everlasting experience, the longest experience
The only experience with experiences
I have asked myself times without number are you worth it?
Still I get no answer. Maybe, maybe not
Are you for nothing or for something?
I come to this answer, you are for nothing
But still an occurrence takes place and the mind changes, you are for something
What if? Oh! Wait I’m clueless
I have the power to take you away but still I wait
Why? Is it because of hope? Or is it faith? I have no idea
Is this all a dream? I think to myself you have no purpose
Or wait, I get it now
We all have choices
But wait we have a choice but still we don’t
How is that possible?
re.of interest...
a light work of question
and self analysis if but through
experience... or perhaps other,s or own writings?
the line "i have asked myself, times without number are they worth it?"
i would say... " those free of number shall not call but appear."
as i initially read it as... "...without number they are worth it..."
which brings a sanctity to my vision
in turn my initial reasoning to read your piece.
i would hope you find such in your life.
and thank-you for posting.
thank you, its my own
thank you, its my own writing. my first writing actually