I have gained nothing from your greedy hands!
TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! How did you manage to breathe behind that wicked smile?
You’re so cold and dead, yet you made me feel so warm and alive.
I felt so alive and free to be, you kept me going, chasing that dream
You kept me running hard chasing that dream that out runs every being.
I never knew how lost I was in your unrelenting trance,
You played me like a puppet and made me DANCE! DANCE! DANCE!
I followed the music, I kept the beat
You kept me drooling, begging the treat.
I beat the rhythm with my bones, you took my heart and turned it to stone!
All smoke blew through me you were my greatest high,
All veins closed, you were my blood
And oh how I was bleeding
Yes you were singing me the dead man’s lullaby!
Hi Woe. It was a little hard
Hi Woe. It was a little hard for me because I wrote a poem called 'Lullaby of Death", but after reading this a few times it reminded me of some of the sick children I've cared for who underwent many blood transfusions for blood diseases, and kept being told they weren't going to die when they would ask...only to die a slow and drawn out death.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
..especially the part about
..especially the part about 'greedy hands'.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Killing Him Softly
...with her song. Broke his heart thoroughly he need a trnsfusion now, the broken bones need calcium as a metaphor and the simile: dead as a rotten corpse turning to ashes painfully ~~what I was thinking reading ~~A~~