Cultural Shock


The Cultural Shock
(A Collective Paper outcome of a specific program
By/96-97CWY Egyptian Participants,
Luxor, March19th.1997)

A Culture shock:
Being in a new or a different environment, finding it hard to adapt to different aspects, having hard times understanding what's going on; at the same time finding it hard for others to understand you.

A Culture Shock in points could be:
? Miscommunication.
? Things that you are not used to that you might not accept.
? Feeling lonely and helpless.
? Progress in your awareness and personal growth makes others seem to you years behind.

Tips to help us overcome the Cultural Shock:
1) Be aware of the Culture Shock, its components and the reality: NOTHING HAS CHANGED BUT US.

2) Try to explain the fact that we have changed at the same time respecting where our families and communities are and accepting them.

3) Try to explain that what they may perceive as change is due to personal growth + starting a new phase of our lives.. and not because of us being exposed to a different culture ( Canadian).

4) Adaptation to the new situation that we are in is expected from us. Do not expect them to adapt.

5) Do your best to make the best out of what you have learned. Start by applying your learning on yourself. Then try to share your learning with others; this will lead others to personal growth and to community development...things that you might have complained about missing.

6) Do not hesitate to ask for support. Include those whom you love, trust and respect. And those who have shared a similar experience.

7) Where you are now?after the program?is not new. You have experienced similar situations several times through out the program. And the community has the priority of your understanding.

8) Put yourself in your families' shoes and give everything what it deserves.

9) Express yourself in their simple language, don't use big terms.

10) They can understand what we're going through. They just cannot feel it.

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