A Bitter Woman

The place was nearly empty

the bartender,you and me.

Our eyes had met a dozen times

but you did'nt seem to see.............

You were pulling the label off a long neck

your mind a thousand miles away.

I sat down on the stool beside you

but I could'nt think of a thing to say..............

I watched you in the mirror

the big one behind the bar.

And wondered where your mind was

and what made you drift so far............

You finally turned to look at me

you had no smile on your face

You said"I have seen you before,

in just about every place".............

"Now let me think"you said

and rested your chin in your hand

"You look just like a man I knew,

but he hid his wedding band..............

"He told me he was'nt married

and would love me all my life"

"But every night when he left me

he went home to his kids and wife".........

"This went on for almost a year

a year lost in my life"

"Then he told me he had never loved me

and had always loved his wife".........

"So when I said I had seen you

this is what I mean"

"I look at you and I see him

and no difference in between"............

"They say when you fall off

you get back on the bike"

"But after him,I'm putting mine away

because all men are just alike...........

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

11:57:05 PM


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