My lungs opened
Embraced fully the blades only winter wind can throw
And, bled in excitement
Of the righteousness only feet on concrete can know
With pace increasing
The deepening of breath
The pluming of steam from mouth and nose
The life inside of legs
Begot the beat of heart
To rise and fall
To fill and flow out of
Chambers still half stone
I can feel the thaw inside
The river coming alive
Despite the falling snow
So, I will fight
Draw the weapon to life
And, let my heart express what
My mind, and pen, and paper could never clone
Now, brow drips
With sweat as the workload increases
As elements entice the effort
To ice back into the stone from which it was released
But, I refuse to allow it
To cower back from where it came
Or stave off more from coming
From the source
Beckoning for deluge
Of pure release
Of sure and full belief
That love entwines everything
Now, that mind, and pen, and paper have failed me
Heart, express their failings
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