From Kernel To Bushel


Turning the fields from kernel to bushel

With harvest now filling the storehouse with soul

Plow finding rest

Sickle swinging low

In calloused hands so bloody

Pained only further by backbreaking loads


Sweat speaks a Proverb the hardworking know

Hands hanging idle are heart's still unknown

Tongue's speaking slander

Young ears exposed

Drum down like hammer to anvil

'Till lies become truths solid as stone


Wind in the air now blowing straight through

Scabbing the knees as prayers all consume

Aching of heart

Breaking too soon

And, asking for sustinance

As summer unblooms


Dressed now completely in winter's costume

The flakes started slowly, then rupture induced

Splitting wide open

Blizzard he blew

Strong, wild, and wicked

Down the fireplace flue


Hope held strong when facing the gloom

And, though shivering took hold, it never shook loose

Fire of heart

Though greatly reduced

Burned like an oven

And, spoke words so astute


Thawing began to cover the meadow

As fables of old became harder to swallow

Mercy melted sin

Forgiveness soon followed

As the prayers of last summer

Once held silent, sang so loud and audible


Now looking out on the fields so beautiful

Lessons of life dwarf the uncountable kernels

Springing like hope

Springs still eternal

Providing us purpose and companionship through

Life's ever wandering, unknowable circle

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THANK FROM THE CHILD who spend some time in the countryside

thank you for bringing all those emotioons back to me, i spend a year living in a countryside and this is probably one of my happy time in life. EXCELLENT POEM!

Visual poet/ Libertine lost in a labyrinth of complexities, methaphors, searching for the essence/ Ink of life/ death to spell my syphilistic words on the page/ screen.