Given the choice
Noise, touch, taste
Eyes, make haste
Grow bold
Don't waste time now
See just how beautiful life can unfold
How confidence can grow
Despite caveats imposed
By those claiming to love
In spite of greener grass
Purer gold
I've got to say what I've got to say
Without retribution
Just how pitifully our human condition
Has made us willfully and woefully
Drown our inhibitions
Load our ammunition
Just to watch it dig into our innocent brother's
And, sacred sister's
We once vowed we'd respect and only love
Thicker skin
Some might beg
For endurance when
It's called for
I say, "No more."
Why facilitate fear for envy
Why relegate the weak
To a weaker standing
Why satiate strength
With so-called power-grabbing
Instead of reflecting on the need itself
I've got to say what I've got to say
Love your brother
Love your sister
Turn within to water what's withered
And, watch what's nurtured
Blossom into orchards
And, cover up the scars and scorches
We've allowed to load ammunition
Instead of love without condition
Nice poem, love your work
Nice poem, love your work