Erase the Darkness


High noon, come take away the night

Come steal it right from beneath my nose

For, my eyes weren't built for darkness

Weren't made for seeing starsless nights

Or staying closed


Goodbye, babe

So sorry we couldn't change

But, don't worry

Someday, someday

The sun will erase the darkness again


Now memory must suffice

Though I'm not sure pain will disperse dispite the advice I've been given

For, only God knows when love will return

And, when I'll be able to discern

Hell from Heaven


So, goodbye, babe

For a while at least

So sorry we couldn't change

In spite of our dreams

But, don't worry

Someday, someday

The sun will erase the darkness within the both of us

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sanctus's picture

Nice flow, nice imagery..

Nice flow, nice imagery..

MargoT's picture

I which you could erase my

I which you could erase my darkness, i have read quite few of your poetry but i was always ressistant to ask you to be you frind, no because i see a bad person in your words, to the opposite, i see , one thing which had made me uneasy, the all christanity, don`t take me wrong, i beleive in a higher power but mine has no name, maybe i wish i had your faith,l but faith to me is a simple hollow word.

and despise this i actually very enjoy this, it is full of hope, forgiveness, compassion and love, and despsie the pain you must have suffer who had honnestly spoke your heart.

your poem made me humble, and it is not often i feel this.

mayybe u could help me to find a name of my god?

eitherway, this poem touch me deeply.

blesings and lights, Herve/ Margot.

Visual poet/ Libertine lost in a labyrinth of complexities, methaphors, searching for the essence/ Ink of life/ death to spell my syphilistic words on the page/ screen.       

sanctus's picture

This is a great poem.

This is a great poem. Powerful imagery.