You were made for great things
You were born of flesh, but given angel wings
Torn from the heart of God the day you were conceived
A gift so undeserved
But, a gift given to me
A prayer finally heard
Loud and clear
Full of love, and Oh my Dear, God
Gave me the love torn from His heart
In the form of a girl who
Takes the love God gave her
And, gives it straight to me
I'd been walking through a valley
Dragging my feet, crying "Why me?"
I thought I was being punished
But, oh, how foolish of me
Turns out I was so lucky
Stuck in the ruts of feeling lonesome
Turns out I gained perspective
Seeing all God brought me through
So, now I'm crying praises louldly
Singing anthems of "Why me?"
Just like the dust beneath the grass
Given shape only by roots planted deep
Dust cannot be foundation
Without weight baring down
Turning the soft sand in to rock
Where feet can stand firm and know that
Just how far they've come
Was the perfect distance to be taught
That what's soft cannot appreciate true love's true facts
Until it's been turned hard and broken back
And rests in the hands of everything it now knows
It never knew back when it didn't know what it could lack
She says I was made for great things
And, somehow that pins wings on my fleshy back
But, for me
The moment she took my granite heart
She crushed it to the finest of ash
And, showed me the innocence I forgot love still had
So, if it is I who was born for greatness
It's only for the greatness in her gentle hands
That crushed my granite heart to sand
For which I've been blessed
really strong write. good job
really strong write. good job