When Do...?

My Thoughts

When do friends cross that line into being best of

When the few and far between finally find some medium to stand upon

When the wretched mistakes of the past fall away

That’s when I believe best friends emerge

A well deserved black hole

An anomaly to the world

Where we can confide

When do enemies cross that line into being worst of

When the few and far between finally find that medium to be crumbling away

When the wretched mistakes of the past are birthed inside a day

That’s when I believe worst enemies emerge

A well carved black hole

A reality of the world

Where we all fight

Will the swords be laid down or stabbed into our hearts

Will our decisions today effect our decisions tomorrow

Will we learn to love

Will we learn to hate

What if today’s out last chance

What if tomorrow’s too late

What if we learned to set our differences aside

What if we had to realize that in order to love each other

What if our differences laid waste at our feet

What if that was the only way the world could make ends meet

Would we do it

Would we love

When do nations cross that line into fighting a war

Will we love when it’s over

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jadewolf456's picture

I really like the way you talked about friendships and enemies, its like two sides of the same coin, the good and the bad....if that makes any sense.

"Will the swords be laid down or stabbed into our hearts
Will our decisions today effect our decisions tomorrow"

I really like these lines.