Unborn Angels

My Thoughts

Miracles don't always happen for us to see

These miracles are our unborn children

Our unborn angels

What a work Satan has put in the very heart of men

The work of killing our unborn children

Our unborn angels

Even with all the sin and death, there's still hope

The hope of the many believers, Gods born children

Gods born angels

Ask yourself how merciful is our Father to sinners

The sinners who kill His unborn angels

His unborn angels

Let us pray that we turn from the ways of the world

The world that cares not for His unborn children

His unborn angels

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wow. This is about abortion, and what a senseless, sinful act it is. It's also about the purpose these poor babies serve, I believe God sends them to us to show us how fragile life is. ("If you where one of these babies, you wouldn't be reading this.) Thank God for your life daily.

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Sara Palmer's picture

I just read your comment on my abortion poem, thanks for that! I also agree with you, i strongly disagree with abortion, in whatever circumstance. Great Poem, keep up the good work..

rachum's picture

What a way to describe children lost. This is such a horrible act and it is weird, yet touching to read about in a poem. It really made me look at life differently, because I could've easily been one of those unborn angels. I love your works.