Greater Than Any Hate

To God

I want to be like Jesus Christ

The man who dared to pay the price

True love is greater than any hate

May every blinded eye begin to wake

After the third day when He rose again

The weight of the world was placed on Him

If your eyes have still yet to wake

Open your heart and replace the hate

If by now you're still filled with doubt

And stuck in sin with no way out

And if your eyes have yet to be waken

Just know the love of God will never be shaken

It's not too late to just walk away

Just drop to your knees and begin to pray

And if you think you've done too much

I'm telling you, God is there to be your crutch

And if you wait until the day you die

To make a friend in Jesus Christ

Hear right now what I'm telling you

The life you lived will be brand new

If you want to be like Jesus Christ

Like the man who willingly paid the price

Give your life to Him today

Cause love is greater than any hate

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Brittany Bunker's picture

this is awesome!! it makes me so happy to find other Christians on this website. keep writing!

Megan's picture

Preach It!!!Very True

Arielle's picture

Hey, this is Arielle from . You wrote me a comment a while back and I've finally gotten the chance to check out your work. I must say that I am very conflicted, I myself am atheist/agnostic . I must say that your poems are well written, but mean nothing to me. I can't understand how God, or Jesus or anyone can save you or make you feel less alone in the world. Your words are good, but they leave me hollow. Drop me a line again, I'd really like to talk to you, maybe you can help me better understand. - Arielle Korn